Scrabble New South Wales

Benefits of Membership of Scrabble NSW

  1. Receipt of Quarterly Magazine "Across the Board"
    "Across the Board" contains playing hints, local, interstate and overseas Scrabble news, tournament reports, calendar of upcoming events Australia-wide, word lists, annotated games and other items of general interest.

  2. Discounts on Publications
    Members receive 30% discount on essential Scrabble publications: Collins Scrabble Words and Collins Dictionary, Official Scrabble Lists;

  3. Exemption from Tournament Levy
    Members attending tournaments sanctioned by Scrabble NSW are exempt from a $5 levy payable by non-members

  4. Inclusion on National Ratings List
    Members attending tournaments acquire a National Rating which will be retained for at least one year. National Ratings are adjusted after each tournament attended.

  5. Public Liability Insurance
    Members attending affiliated clubs and tournaments are covered by Public Liability Insurance maintained nationally.

  6. New member package
    Consists of a laminated 2 and 3-letter word list and available back issues of the national magazine, Across the Board

  7. Assistance in Starting a Scrabble Club
    Members considering starting their own club receive advice and financial assistance if required, plus Scrabble sets commensurate with amount of new members. Contact the President, Bob Jackman, on 0400 226541 for more information.