Spring Masters Marathon - September 1st 2001

Ivor Zetler's trusty old cat - the one that adjudicated on eeeeeeee many Winter Masters ago - was on hand to watch the second Masters Marathon in Ivor's Beecroft residence.

14 players played a Round Robin with a final round King of the Hill between 8.30am and 9.30pm, with the host clamouring for an extra game on account of the earlier than expected finish.

John Holgate made it two in a row by leading all the way, dropping only one game to Esther to mass an average spread of 100 per game. In the last game I narrowly beat Esther by one point to grab second from Jean McGiffen who was having a good tournament.

We were subjected to Bach in the dark during the evening break, as Ivor attempted to inject some culture into his thirteen guests.

Results after game 14

Rank Player            Wins     Mar
  1  John Holgate        13    1401
  2  Bob Jackman         10     910
  3  Jean Mcgiffen       10     698
  4  Esther Perrins       9     765
  5  Paul Cleary          9     664
  6  Joanne Craig         8     334
  7  John Barker          8     -74
  8  Trish Windhurst      6    -177
  9  Ivor Zetler          6    -608
 10  Jan Serisier         5    -477
 11  Peter Shaw           4    -617
 12  John Spaan           4    -623
 13  Jean Noonan          4    -802
 14  Moana Nepia          2   -1394
HIGH GAME: Paul Cleary       653

Stats for Tournament : ROUND ROBIN

| state     Name           | National  | State   |   Wins    | Rating Points |
|                          | Old  New  | Old New | Exp  Act  | Old Change New|
+Section: *A                           +         +           +               +
| NSW John Holgate         |    6    3 |   3   1 | 10.3 13.0 | 1837 +43 1880 |
| NSW Bob Jackman          |    3    4 |   1   2 | 10.9 10.0 | 1887 -15 1872 |
| NSW Jean McGiffen        |   39   22 |  12   8 |  6.5 10.0 | 1636 +70 1706 |
| NSW Paul Cleary          |    4    5 |   2   3 | 10.9  9.0 | 1880 -31 1849 |
| NSW Esther Perrins       |   15   15 |   6   6 |  8.7  9.0 | 1757  +7 1764 |
| NSW Joanne Craig         |   30   26 |  10   9 |  7.2  8.0 | 1677 +15 1692 |
| NSW John Barker          |   17   19 |   7   7 |  9.1  8.0 | 1754 -23 1731 |
| NSW Trish Windhurst      |  120   94 |  33  23 |  3.8  6.0 | 1476 +44 1520 |
| NSW Ivor Zetler          |   79   71 |  22  18 |  5.3  6.0 | 1551 +14 1565 |
| NSW Jan Serisier         |  139  122 |  38  35 |  3.5  5.0 | 1443 +31 1474 |
| NSW Jean Noonan          |  102  106 |  25  27 |  4.5  4.0 | 1506 -10 1496 |
| NSW Peter Shaw           |   71   84 |  19  21 |  5.8  4.0 | 1567 -35 1532 |
| NSW John Spaan :act      |   77   90 |  20  22 |  5.4  4.0 | 1554 -28 1526 |
| NSW Moana Nepia          |   53  102 |  15  25 |  6.1  2.0 | 1588 -81 1507 |