Baulkham Hills Tournament - 11th January 1998

For the 2nd year in a row, Baulkham Hills Scrabble Club kicked off first in '98.
Venue: Castle Hill Tavern in the beautiful Hills District of Sydney, otherwhise known as "Little England", not only because of its green rural setting, but also because of the vast number of migrants from the British Isles who settled here.
Many (even Sydneysiders) may not know that the Hills District is in fact the"Bible Belt" of Sydney.......see further below.
54 registered....53 turned up (one forgot & apologised), but all came on time bar one (John Barker) who was last to appear (5mins late). Although he was last on the scene, he was first in his division (A). 3 divisions, A, B, C.
For full results see the net, but briefly as 1st, 2nd, & 3rds , these were: (8 games)
Masters: John Barker, Joan Rosenthal, Peter Shaw.
Advanced: Betty Coleman,Kim Grayson & Trish Windhurst.
Intermediate: Greg Nicol, Merle Young & Leonie McConnel.
The Baulkham Hills Scrabble Club "SIVA" trophy was snatched from the North Shore Club by the Balmain Club.
Lunch was ready on time as requested and plenty of it. At this tournament, the writer & organizer of the tournament drew the attention of all players from 12 Clubs represented (inc. Geelong & Canberra) of the essential & hard work which the NSW property officer, Mr. Robin Duncan does, and has been doing so for many years. Instantly all players expressed their sincere thanks to Robin, who attends to this necessary but hard work, so meticulously.
In my opinion, it will be very hard to organize a tournament without such an efficient and friendly officer.
The high words which were awarded to all three divisions, perplexed us a bit, since we live, as I wrote above, in Sydney's Bible belt. The highest words were: A..."Stiffen" by Graeme Lock Lee, "B"...."Unsized" by Penny Lavender.......C......"Shrivel" by Donna MacDonald.
Assistance by our staff and that of our sister clubs, (Blacktown & Hasall Grove) was a terrific help, as was help given by Graeme Lock Lee, Peter Tobler and the presence of the highest rated player of the day.....Joan Rosenthal, in case we need a ruling of some sort.
Movers: A: Jan Seriser....up 50 points.
B:....Trish Windhurst.....up 66 points.
C:....Leonie McConnell.....up 43 points.
We enjoyed having all players who visited us on that day, and wish to thank each one of them.
Alan Gauci
President........Baulkham Hills Scrabble Club

Results after game 8
HILLS 10/1/98 -- A
Rank Player            Wins  Mar
  1 John Barker          6   558
  2 Joan Rosenthal       6   448
  3 Peter Shaw           6   167
  4 Graham Lock Lee      5   222
  5 Peter Tobler         5   156
  6 Jean Mcgiffen        5    58
  7 Ian Close            5  -118
  8 Jean Noonan          4   116
  9 Hanne Marks          4   113
 10 Cheryl Michler       4   -55
 11 Jan Serisier         4   -88
 12 Audrey Newman        4  -134
 13 Ros Gibbons          4  -245
 14 Siva Sivapalasundram 3    59
 15 Betty Foreman        3   -53
 16 Robyn Flynn          3  -105
 17 Gordon Meggs         1  -699
 18 Bye                  0  -400
HIGH GAME: John Barker       562
HIGH WORD: Graeme Lock Lee   100

Results after game  8
HILLS 10/1/98 -- B

Rank Player            Wins  Mar
  1 Betty Coleman        7   599
  2 Kim Grayson          6   565
  3 Trish Windhurst      6   167
  4 Joan Buchanan        5   233
  5 Helen Young          5   -51
  6 Jean Balmer          4   110
  7 Judy Mcguinness      4    96
  8 Nonie English        4    66
  9 Raya Wilkinson       4    55
 10 Ram Mohe             4    12
 11 Henni Maat           4   -93
 12 Dawn Spring          4   -95
 13 Edith Lowbeer        4  -294
 14 Penny Lavender       3   -26
 15 Alan Gauci           3   -95
 16 Sunny Wright         2  -231
 17 Ivana Duria          2  -349
 18 Fay Van Oyen         1  -669
HIGH GAME: Betty Coleman     496
HIGH WORD: Penny Lavender        111

Results after game  8
HILLS 10/1/98 -- C

Rank Player            Wins  Mar
  1 Gregor Nicol         6   386
  2 Merle Young          6   259
  3 Leonie Mcconnell     6   -25
  4 Colleen Howie        5   441
  5 Donna Macdonald      5   166
  6 Silvana Newman       5    59
  7 Jeff Richardson      5    -4
  8 Daphne Bezuidenhout  4   223
  9 Margaret Gauci       4    88
 10 Margaret Ackman      4    75
 11 Margaret Andrews     4    26
 12 James Lewis          4  -154
 13 Claire Dove          3   -33
 14 Nancy Sacchetti      3  -195
 15 Ursula Schokman      2  -142
 16 Ann Fiddler          2  -224
 17 Mary Mackie          2  -472
 18 Diana Field          2  -474
HIGH GAME: Gregor Nicol      474
HIGH WORD: Donna Macdonald       105

Stats for Tournament : HILLS 10/1/98

| state     Name          | National  | State   |   Wins    | Rating Points  |
|                         | Old  New  | Old New | Exp  Act  | Old Change New |
+Section: *A                          +         +           +                +
| NSW John Barker          |   51   42 |  19  13 |  4.4  6.0 | 1674 +33 1707 |
| NSW Joan Rosenthal       |    4    5 |   3   4 |  6.6  6.0 | 1920  -8 1911 |
| NSW Peter Shaw           |   33   27 |  11  10 |  4.9  6.0 | 1748 +21 1769 |
| NSW Graeme Lock Lee      |   50   50 |  18  18 |  5.0  5.0 | 1675  +1 1676 |
| NSW Peter Tobler :act    |    9   11 |   6   6 |  6.0  5.0 | 1862 -16 1845 |
| NSW Jean McGiffen        |   44   45 |  13  14 |  4.8  5.0 | 1691  +3 1694 |
| NSW Ian Close            |  120  119 |  35  34 |  4.8  5.0 | 1499  +4 1503 |
| NSW Jean Noonan          |  130  121 |  37  36 |  3.6  4.0 | 1486  +9 1495 |
| NSW Hanne Marks          |  155  144 |  42  41 |  2.6  4.0 | 1441 +27 1468 |
| NSW Jan Serisier         |  223  209 |  53  51 |  1.7  4.0 | 1292 +50 1342 |
| NSW Audrey Newman        |  100  107 |  29  30 |  5.1  4.0 | 1560 -21 1538 |
| NSW Cheryl Michler       |  195  195 |  49  49 |  3.8  4.0 | 1372  +4 1376 |
| NSW Ros Gibbons          |  231  221 |  55  54 |  2.6  4.0 | 1276 +27 1303 |
| NSW Betty Foreman        |   98  102 |  28  28 |  4.0  3.0 | 1565 -20 1544 |
| NSW Robyn Flynn          |   46   64 |  15  20 |  5.1  3.0 | 1687 -42 1644 |
| NSW Siva Sivapalasundram |  143  157 |  41  44 |  4.6  3.0 | 1469 -31 1437 |
| NSW Gordon Meggs         |  265  280 |  64  66 |  1.9  1.0 | 1217 -17 1199 |
|*NSW Bye                  |    0  494 |   0 128 |  0.4  0.4 |  892  +0  892 |
+Section: *B                          +         +           +                +
| NSW Betty Coleman        |  289  276 |  69  65 |  6.2  7.0 | 1183 +18 1201 |
| NSW Kim Grayson          |  418  378 | 104  95 |  3.3  6.0 |  980 +64 1044 |
| NSW Trish Windhurst      |  458  406 | 116 101 |  3.2  6.0 |  933 +66  999 |
| NSW Helen Young          |  482  441 | 125 110 |  3.0  5.0 |  909 +40  949 |
| NSW Joan Buchanan        |  357  356 |  91  90 |  4.9  5.0 | 1078  +3 1081 |
| NSW Nonie English        |  489  469 | 127 120 |  2.8  4.0 |  902 +24  926 |
| NSW Raya Wilkinson       |  345  357 |  88  91 |  5.0  4.0 | 1099 -18 1080 |
| NSW Jean Balmer          |  393  398 |  97  98 |  4.6  4.0 | 1018 -10 1007 |
| NSW Henni Maat           |  483  456 | 126 116 |  2.4  4.0 |  908 +31  939 |
| NSW Judy McGuinness      |  379  388 |  95  96 |  4.8  4.0 | 1041 -14 1026 |
| NSW Ram Mohe             |  468  451 | 119 114 |  3.1  4.0 |  926 +17  943 |
| NSW Dawn Spring          |  267  296 |  65  71 |  6.3  4.0 | 1215 -43 1171 |
| NSW Edith Lowbeer        |  293  317 |  71  78 |  5.9  4.0 | 1176 -37 1138 |
| NSW Penny Lavender       |  416  433 | 103 109 |  4.1  3.0 |  982 -21  960 |
| NSW Alan Gauci           |  473  480 | 122 124 |  3.1  3.0 |  922  -1  920 |
| NSW Ivana Duria          |  515  523 | 133 134 |  2.4  2.0 |  876  -7  868 |
| NSW Sunny Wright         |  429  470 | 107 121 |  4.0  2.0 |  965 -39  925 |
| NSW Fay Van Oyen         |  464  503 | 118 131 |  3.2  1.0 |  929 -43  885 |
+Section: *C                          +         +           +                +
| NSW Greg Nicol           |  569  538 | 142 136 |  4.5  6.0 |  827 +30  857 |
| NSW Merle Young          |  581  553 | 146 141 |  4.5  6.0 |  815 +30  845 |
| NSW Leonie McConnell     |  610  572 | 153 145 |  3.9  6.0 |  785 +43  828 |
| NSW Colleen Howie        |  530  534 | 135 135 |  5.1  5.0 |  863  -2  860 |
| NSW Donna MacDonald      |  642  630 | 157 155 |  4.0  5.0 |  745 +19  764 |
| NSW Silvana Newman       |  696  657 | 171 163 |  3.2  5.0 |  697 +35  732 |
| NSW Jeff Richardson      |  639  635 | 156 156 |  4.7  5.0 |  746  +5  751 |
| NSW Margaret Andrews     |  517  540 | 134 137 |  5.1  4.0 |  875 -20  854 |
| NSW Margaret Gauci       |  644  642 | 159 158 |  3.9  4.0 |  744  +1  745 |
| NSW Margaret Ackman      |  603  613 | 150 153 |  4.6  4.0 |  793 -10  782 |
| NSW Daphne Bezuidenhout  |  750  731 | 187 182 |  3.0  4.0 |  646 +19  665 |
| ACT James Lewis          |  505  555 |   1   1 |  5.9  4.0 |  882 -36  845 |
| NSW Claire Dove          |  585  645 | 147 160 |  5.2  3.0 |  812 -66  745 |
| NSW Nancy Sacchetti      |  833  827 | 216 213 |  2.7  3.0 |  556  +6  562 |
| NSW Ann Fiddler          |  765  791 | 195 201 |  3.3  2.0 |  628 -26  601 |
| NSW Ursula Schokman      |  791  808 | 201 207 |  3.0  2.0 |  601 -20  580 |
| NSW Diana Field          |  825  850 | 212 222 |  2.9  2.0 |  563 -18  544 |
| VIC Mary Mackie          |  859  870 | 231 232 |  2.4  2.0 |  534  -8  525 |