Constitution of A.S.P.A (NSW)

Updated re composition of committee following 1998 AGM


    The name of the Association is the Australian Scrabble Players' Association (New South Wales) hereinafter abbreviated as ASPA (NSW). It is a democratic non-profit organisation of Scrabble Players who meet regularly for the purpose of playing social and competitive word games.

  2. AIMS

    1. To provide ASPA (NSW) members with an opportunity to meet at suitable venues.
    2. To supply information to all players wishing to know more about Scrabble.
    3. To encourage regular social and competitive activities for its members, to assist clubs in the organisation of tournaments, and to hold an annual ASPA (NSW) championship.
    4. To encourage interest and involvement of its members in activities throughout Australia and overseas.
    5. To develop standards and ethics of play.
    6. To encourage and assist local clubs.


    Any person who is a member of A.S.P.A. and a resident of NSW is automatically a member of ASPA (NSW). Other persons may apply for membership of ASPA (NSW).


    1. The Executive Committee of ASPA (NSW} shall have twelve (12) members elected annually from the financial membership of the ASPA (NSW)
    2. Elections will be held annually at the Annual General Meeting and all positions will be held only until the date of the next Annual General Meeting.
    3. The Executive Committee of ASPA (NSW) will include the offices of President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, Liaison Officer, Membership Officer, Publicity Officer and Resources Officer; in addition there will be four Committee Members without specified office.
    4. Office bearers and other Committee Members will be elected annually by the membership on the basis of a simple majority of valid votes cast.
    5. In the event of an elected member of the Executive Committee resigning before the Annual General Meeting, the Executive Committee at its discretion may co-opt a replacement financial member of ASPA (NSW) to serve for the remainder of the term of the Committee or may leave the Committee position unfilled until the next Annual General Meeting.


    1. All financial members of ASPA (NSW) on the day of the Annual General Meeting are entitled to vote in elections and motions at the Annual General Meeting.
    2. The quorum at the Annual General Meeting will be 20 members.
    3. Notification of the Annual General Meeting will be sent to all members at least two (2) weeks before the meeting, including ballot papers for absentee voting.
    4. Voting in the Executive Committee election and on motions at the Annual General Meeting may only be done by financial members of ASPA (NSW) in person on the day of the Annual General Meeting or by a properly lodged absentee vote on the appropriate ballot paper. Voting by proxy is not acceptable for either elections or motions at the Annual General Meeting.
    5. Any financial member of ASPA (NSW) may be nominated for election to the Executive Committee. They must be nominated and seconded by two other financial members of ASPA (NSW).
    6. All nominations must be in writing and must be received by the Secretary no later than five (5) weeks before the day of the Annual General Meeting.
    7. Ballot papers must be distributed to all financial members of ASPA (NSW) at least two (2) weeks before the day of the Annual General Meeting.
    8. Completed ballot papers lodged by post must be received in a sealed envelope by the Secretary, or other appointed returning officer1 no later than two (2) days before the day of the Annual General Meeting.
    9. Sealed envelopes with postal votes must be opened on the day of the Annual General Meeting by the Secretary, or other appointed returning officer, in the presence of at east two (2) financial members of ASPA (NSW) who are not candidates, nominators or seconders in the election.
    10. The chairperson of the Annual General Meeting will have an ordinary vote and in case of votes being equal, a casting vote.


    1. The Executive Committee may convene a special General Meeting. The procedures for notification and voting, and the quorum will be the same as for the Annual General Meeting.
    2. A Special General Meeting may be called at the request of ordinary members provided that the request is made in writing and signed by at least one quarter of the total membership.


    The Committee shall meet at least three times per year. The quorum for Committee meetings shall be six. The chairperson shall have an ordinary vote and in case of votes being equal, a casting vote.


    1. President
      • To convene and chair the Annual General Meeting and to call for nominations for office bearers.
      • To convene and chair Committee meetings.
      • To present a President's report at the Annual General Meeting.
      • To act as spokesperson for the Association and to liaise with other organisations of Scrabble players in Australia and overseas.
      • To act as spokesperson for ASPA (NSW).
    2. Vice-President
      To assist in the duties of the President and to act in that capacity during absence of the President.
    3. Secretary
      • To handle the correspondence and records of ASPA (NSW).
      • To have custody of books and documents.
      • To keep and distribute minutes of all meetings, and to notify Committee members of coming Committee meetings.
      • To notify all members of Special and General Meetings.
    4. Treasurer
      • To receive and bank all moneys on behalf of ASPA (NSW).
      • To keep a record of all moneys received and spent.
      • To maintain an account of income and expenditure for each financial year, and to report on the financial position of ASPA (NSW) at the Annual General Meeting.
      • To operate a cheque account requiring the signatures of any two of the following: President, Treasurer, Vice-President, Secretary.
    5. Liaison Officer
      To maintain phone liaison with the general public and to answer post-box enquiries.
    6. Membership Officer
      • To maintain a register of members.
      • To collect annual dues.
      • To distribute "Across the Board."
    7. Catering Officer
      To buy refreshments for New South Wales tournaments.
    8. Travel Officer
      To arrange travel Scrabble functions.
    9. Resources Officer
      • To be in charge of Scrabble sets, clocks, and other items of equipment regularly used in major tournaments.
      • To ensure resources are intact and in good condition.
      • To inform President or Secretary when replacements are needed.
      • To lend resources to clubs for major tournaments.
    10. Publicity Officer
      To take every opportunity of promoting ASPA (NSW) to the public.
    11. Other Committee Members
      To support the above office bearers in carrying out their duties and to bring to the attention of the Committee matters of interest or concern to ASPA (NSW) members.

  9. FUNDS

    1. The funds of ASPA (NSW) shall be derived from the portion of annual subscriptions determined by A.S.P.A. donations, and such other sources as the Committee determines.
    2. If ASPA (NSW) should wind up or dissolve, any surplus assets will be distributed to affiliated bodies.


    The books and documents of ASPA (NSW) may be inspected by any member after giving fourteen days' notice in writing to the Secretary.

October, 1996