When: 25th and 26th January, 2025
10 Games + 8 games each day from 8:30am for 9am start.
Where: Revesby Workers Club [Blaxland/Banks Rooms], 2B Brett St, Revesby
Conditions: CSW24, Open to Australians rated over 800 and all International players. Internationally (WESPA) rated. 25 minutes per player, 5 points per word penalty, resets at end of Day 1 and lunch on Day 2.
Director: Barry Harridge.
Cost: $80 (direct deposit into BSB 062 022 AC 10011176, or by cash or card on day).
Prizes: Winner $1000 numbers permitting and prizes to 5th place; rating band winners.
Enquiries/Entries: Email rjackman@ozemail.com.au or phone/text 0400 226541