run by Scrabble NSW City of Sydney International Masters
Latest Draw TBA Webshow TBA
Player List
Date/Time: Sat 25th & Sun 26th January, 9.00am start both days
Venue: Revesby Workers Club, 2B Brett St, Revesby
Entry Cost: $80 for members (payment into BSB 062 022, AC 10011176, or tap/cash on day)
Format/Times: 18 games, 10 plus 8, resets after games 10 and 14, 25 minutes per player
Prizes: $1000 first prize numbers permitting, places to 5th and rating band prizes
Conditions: CSW24, Internationally Rated, 5 points per word challenged penalty, rating over 800
Entries: via
Online Entry Form or Phone/SMS Bob Jackman on 0400 226541 or email